Wednesday 14 January 2015

Droëwors - Traditional South African snackfood

Droëwors is a true South African snack based on traditional coriander spiced Broerewors.
It is usually made from thin sausage instead of the thicker sausage as the thinner sausages usually dries faster and therefore is not easily spoiled before it’s cured. Thicker sausage is usually pressed flat, giving it a larger surface area for faster drying.
The recipe for droëwors similar to that of Boerewors except the pork is replaced with beef as pork is not edible when raw. Lamb intestines replace the pig intestines used in boerewors. After the drying of droëwors it can be left unrefrigerated.

Droëwors is unusual among others dried meat, as it dries quickly in hot, dry conditions, in contrast to the traditional Italian salami, which dries slowly relatively cold and humid conditions. One other difference is that droëwors does not include curing agents in the ingrediants. A direct result of this is that the droëwors cannot be stored in humid conditions, as it can easily attract mould.

Picture from:

Post by Adriaan Henning

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